
SAAone is commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat to broaden the highway A1/A6 Diemen – Almere Havendreef which is part of the Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Almere (SAA) program. SAAone is a joint venture of the construction companies Boskalis, Hochtief, Volker Wessels and investor DIF. This combination of companies is responsible for the expansion and maintenance of the highway route A1/A6 Diemen – Almere Havendreef.

Commissioned by Volker Infra Design, CRUX Engineering provides two full time geotechnical consultants to contribute to the project team SAAone Geotechnical Designs. The geotechnical consultants are responsible for the foundation design of a large part of the structures and abutments.

Some structures include the Nieuwe Hollandse bridge across the Gooimeer, the bridge over the Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal, the railway bridge over the A1 at junction Muiderberg and the aqueduct going under the river De Vecht.

In addition, CRUX Engineering has conducted several stand-alone engineering studies including an analysis of the residual settlements of the railway near structure nr. 037, a 3D analysis of the deformation behavior of the western pillar of the bridge over the Amsterdam Rijnkanaal and several independent reviews of foundation reports.

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