CRUX is an independent consulting agency and provides high-quality advice in the field of geotechnical engineering, geohydrology, environmental and settlement risk assessment.
By bundling these consultancy services with our expertise in monitoring, environmental research and improvement techniques, we are truly capable of offering complete and, where necessary, innovative geotechnical design solutions.
We want to make a positive contribution to society from our field of expertise. We do this by producing high-quality and technically sound geotechnical, geohydrological, environmental and geo-structural design and execution solutions.
CRUX wants to make a positive contribution to society from its field. This has to do with the quality and sustainability of the built environment with respect for human and natural norms and values. We believe sustainability is important, in our consultancy work and our operations.
Research and development are important spearheads at CRUX. In various collaborations with contractors and market parties we are continuously working on innovation. Research is being conducted in the area of innovative ground improvement techniques, the development of new pile systems and the use of alternative (geotechnical) building materials.
De CRUX Academy zorgt voor een gestructureerde kennisverspreiding en opleiding binnen het bedrijf. Daarnaast stimuleert en inspireert de Academy onze medewerkers om alle potentie uit zichzelf te halen. Professionaliteit, kwaliteit en werkplezier vormen de basis.
Vaak hoor je in de wandelgangen van CRUX dat het zo leuk is om bij CRUX te werken en dat CRUX innovatief is, veel opleidingsmogelijkheden biedt, aan mooie projecten werkt et cetera. Ruim 15 jaar na de oprichting van CRUX vonden we het tijd om grondig in kaart te brengen waarom we deze goede reputatie hebben en wat we kunnen doen om dit te behouden.
In 2019 heeft CRUX het certificeringstraject van Great Place to Work Nederland succesvol doorlopen en afgesloten. Great Place to Work® is de internationale partner voor organisaties in het traject van onderzoek, ontwikkeling en erkenning van goed werkgeverschap.
We strive in daily practice for safe and economical structures, work methods and handling of contaminated ground, and, where necessary, we take responsibility in identifying unsafe situations.
CRUX has a young and dynamic history. Within almost 20 years of our founding, we have grown to become the leading independent geotechnical consultancy agency in the Netherlands.